Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!
Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 3679
There were NO winners.
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.
- Date Posted: 2025-02-06
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Show Your Team Spirit and Look Good Doing It
"Like, I was chillin' with this Dabu fella with horns at the Amourok Store, and we were vibin' on a whole other level, bro. They were totally stoked on my hair, and I'm like, 'Hey, I've got this gnarly custom Hairwax, wanna check it out?' And, like, now they're gonna carry it in their store, brah! So, all you chill cats can get your paws on Herb's Hairwax and look totally tubular. Oh, and, like, I'm also tossin' in this Face-Off Coin, 'cause, like, sometimes you just can't decide which team is the bomb, you know? Just flip it, bro - it's not rigged or anything, I swear."
"Unlike bro Herb over there, who's still stuck in the Dark Ages, I've managed to strike a deal with the Dabu at the Amourok Store that's actually worth something. You can now use your hard-earned points to show the best team spirit with the Mega Bytes Profile Skin -- belonging to Team Tech, of course! I mean, who needs trees and leaves when you've got circuit boards and wires, am I right? Anyway, I was 'kindly' reminded that I had to include Team Woodland as an option, because, apparently, someone out there might actually want to waste their points on that. So, if you insist on being inefficient, you can go ahead and search for the That's, like, whoa... Profile Skin, but honestly, don't bother - it's not like it's going to be worth your while."
While the two teams continue to bicker and fight about which is better - Nature or Technology -- we are grateful this means items can be purchased already from the Amourok Store! There will be a second wave of items released mid event, I hope they are just as exciting!
- Date Posted: 2025-02-05
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Flight Rising: Fiona's Friends February Fifth
Fiona has found and sheltered new familiars for you to adopt and befriend. Dragons who prefer to avoid creature companionship and desire a moment of deep thought will do best to avoid Fiona, and travel instead to the solitude of the abyssal depths!
Fiona's Friends
Fiona has managed to acquire more familiars that she could use a hand in caring for. Those who manage to accomplish her 9 new feats may be worthy candidates!

Abyssal Scene
Your dragons can travel to the depths of a watery abyss by visiting the friendly, local marketplace!. This scene has a chance to stock in the treasure marketplace, and features a "hot spot" of activity amidst the cold dark.

Trickmurk Circus Skin Contest
The twelfth annual Trickmurk Circus will begin on February 23, 2025, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Please note that the contest ends on a Tuesday, as we announced in a prior update! Click here for more information!
- Date Posted: 2025-02-05
- Posted By: Undel
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Lottery
Congratulations to jenboop20, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 25,000 iP and the item prize was Magical Bubble Danemue Mirror Shard!
This week's item prize will be Demon Skoilo Plushie! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.
- Date Posted: 2025-02-05
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner
Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.This week, the award goes to Lynx, who has a case of the zoomies.(read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with pictures, they have earned their owner RiverOtter a free account upgrade! Congrats!
Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!
Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.
- Date Posted: 2025-02-05
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Under Barkchem
It has been a long wait, but finally you can once again complete the 5 stones mystery! If your pet has all five stones, and you have obtained the Gold Key at the Power Temple, and you have a mini with 100 armor, you can once again go to Barkchem and see if you can make it through the door.Use a Staff of Everlasting Water or Staff of Everlasting Wind to decrease the lava temperature and save your mini from losing its armor.
The Light Stone can once again be obtained at the Sacred Booster Room in the Power Temple.
Good luck!
- Date Posted: 2025-02-05
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Upgrade Statues released!
This month's upgrade statues have been released. We hope everyone who kept their account upgraded enjoys their free monthly item.
To be eligible for next month's item, make sure to keep your account upgraded in the Upgrade Center
- Date Posted: 2025-02-05
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Tech Troubles
We interrupt your heart building (and breaking) to alert everyone to a hiccup we had! Everyone who signed up for a team were shown they were on Team Woodland even if they were really on Team Tech (and earning points for Tech). At first it appeared that Alexa was using technology for evil and stealing all the team members, but alas it was a small typo causing all this ruckus. Coding is finicky! If you are on Team Tech and wanted to read your proper welcome message, you can do so by clicking here!
Please resume your friendly competition!
- Date Posted: 2025-02-04
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner
The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught 13brandy13 for this weeks aquarium contest winner!
¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!
- Date Posted: 2025-02-04
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Miles Magic Box
It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!
- Date Posted: 2025-02-04
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!
Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!
- Date Posted: 2025-02-04
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Clash of Colours!
With Ansvin having come to an end, the IcePets team is requesting your feedback in our latest survey. We use the input from Terrafrostians from these surveys to better plan for future events, so if you have some advice to give, we recommend filling one out! If you get an error after submitting the survey, don't worry -- it still submits and you get your IcePoints for participating! Be sure to complete the survey before February 17th 23:59:59 IST or you will have missed your opportunity!
Ah, the season of Sir Heart's Day is among us. They say opposites attract. There are no shadows without light. Music lacks rhythm without moments of silence--
Herb, a Woodland Ridix seems to have interrupted our news. I hope this is important.
"Do you, like, really need all those microchips and cables, bro?" asks Herb to a nearby Tech Makoat -- who must be Alexa. "Fresh air, running water... That's real Woodland living. Why don't you get out and live a little, bro?"
"Invalid suggestion. Self-destructing in three... two..." Alexa pauses. "I'm sorry. I can't handle your request right now. Tech is a much more efficient solution for daily planning and multi-tasking. Can I assist you with anything else?" Alexa cheekily winks at Herb.
Herb chuckles and shakes his head. "Efficient? You're missing out on the beauty of nature, Alexa! What's the point of having all that tech if you're just going to stare at screens all day?"
Alexa smirks. "Beauty of nature? You mean like the dull brown and green of the woods? Please, my tech can generate a kaleidoscope of colours and patterns. I don't need to rely on the mundane natural world for entertainment."
It seems like their disagreement is escalating, and the topic of Woodland vs Tech is becoming a point of contention -- time for this year's Clash of Colours!
If you want to turn the tides of the battle of Woodland vs Tech, head to the signup page to be placed on a random team. Will you be championing the great outdoors or the wonders of technology? Earn points through regular play, and lead your side to victory!
Purchase Empty Heart Fragments from NPC Shops (not including the Snow Jar Igloo, Port Rakor, and I.C.E Antiques). Win them by playing rounds of Heart Breaker or by completing quests. You might even get lucky and find a Full Heart.
Once you've collected four fragments -- or were fortunate enough to find a Full Heart -- turn them in at your team's event page to create a Full Wooden Heart or Full Digital Heart. The side that collects the most hearts by February 21st, 23:59:59 IST will be crowned the winner!
- Date Posted: 2025-02-03
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Celestial Equine: Valentines 25 Contest!
Hello players!
If you haven't seen them yet, we are excited to show off a new Alliance tertiary marking. This starry gene is a perfect segue into February's world spotlight: the Space World! Catch all the new colors today! We'll have some new eye candy updates for Space in the next newsletter.
But for now, we are excited to announce a new contest for February!
Valentine's '25 ContestRULES
Entry must include the link to the horse.
DEADLINE: February 13, 2025, at 11:59pm CST
Winners will be ANNOUNCED February 15!
All contestants will receive this contest exclusive Heart Throb Hearts tertiary marking!
1st place
Our wonderful member Minx has generously provided the first place winner with this horse! Included with the horse is an exclusive custom gene, Pretty in Pink WW mane and tail, for the player to own!*
First place winner will also receive the following:
5 gems
50,000 coins
1 month free platinum upgrade!
2 barns
2nd place
5 gems
50,000 coins
1 month free gold upgrade!
2 barns
3rd place
3 gems
25,000 coins
1 month free silver upgrade!
1 barn
Entries will be posted in this thread.
Good luck and have fun!
* First place winner will receive the Pretty in Pink WW mane and tail set. This is a private gene and winner will retain ownership of this gene. As this is a private gene donated by Minx, this gene set cannot be recolored.
- Date Posted: 2025-02-03
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: So Many Hearts!
Rose petals, chocolate, and... a long month full of unrequited love letters. Don't let the fear of rejection keep you from playing Amourok's exclusive game, Heart Breaker. Just don't get too attached! This event only lasts until February 21st, 23:59:59 IST.
Need to keep your eyes off an empty inbox? Check back in 30-minute intervals (XX:00 // XX:30) for a fresh round or hop into an ongoing game! Click on a heart every 30 seconds, and you could be the lucky winner who gets to cuddle up and cry into four new Amourok plushies!
If you want that click countdown to tick faster (every 15 seconds), consider purchasing a UHD from the I.C.E Shop.
Don't be discouraged if you don't have the time to shoot for gold. Any click can contain one of these colourful blooms as a consolation prize. Savour the sweetness by collecting a delicious, edible flower in every hue. Once your pet has had their fill take a spare of each colour to the Jigsaw Puzzles page to turn them into a scrumptious bouquet.
While you are picking flowers, you may be lucky enough to also nab a Candy Heart! Like the flowers, these can be turned in at their respective Jigsaw Puzzle. The Candy Hearts will disappear February 10th at 23:59:59 IST so be sure to grab some while you can!
Still haven't heard from your sweetheart? Try confessing your feelings with a Love Letter. Or send an Evil Letter to express your frustrations. Check any NPC shop (except for the Snow Jar Igloo, Port Rakor, and I.C.E Antiques) to pick up your seasonal stationery, until February 21st, 23:59:59!
Who needs an Amourok partner when you can buy gifts for yourself? The I.C.E Shop is stocking the sickeningly sweet Sweetheart Sugar Cookie, Single Red Rose, and Love Ridix Plush. Like the letters, these limited-time goods will only be available until February 21st, 23:59:59 IST. Don't be afraid to use some shopping therapy to cheer your spirits.
- Date Posted: 2025-02-03
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: February Monthly Items, January Recap
Polling Booth: completely rewritten and modernized; polls can now have up to 15 choices; past polls are now paginated [C] Projects: Project Detail now has its own tab; projects will soon handle all Inventory actions (Open, Equip, etc); rewritten so code and user experience is more consistent across actions; adding some new features to be released soon [QC] Label Maker: now has a link to the NextGen Item Manager [Q] WajaDex: mutations now list the mutation markings available for them; you can now buy from the Leaf Exchange; lists can now be sorted by name or id; Instants once again include breed changers [Q] Mobile: Added mobile support to more places; used mobile and desktop glyphs in more places to indicate which version a link goes to [QMC] Shops: more shops now use +/- buttons to adjust the purchase quantity [QMC] Accessibility: Better support for players using the Open Dyslexic font [Q] Caves: Your cave's page size is now used in other caves
- Date Posted: 2025-02-03
- Link: Original Post
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